

“I would like to take a moment to thank Laura for the care with which she held me during our sessions together. I felt as if I could expose what was in the deepest recesses of my being and wouldn’t be judged, and bring to light the hurt that I had held on to for so long. I came away feeling lighter, stronger and wiser. More to do, but a significant step made in the right direction.”

— T.S. Bristol


“Laura was very welcoming and calm. I experienced her as wanting to make me as comfortable as possible and following me in what I needed. She created a spacious atmosphere, reminding me we had plenty of time. I felt very safe with Laura. She slowed me down when I was speeding off and it was done in a gentle way and explained well. I felt she knew the whole process really well and I could feel her confidence and ease as we progressed. I felt she was authentic with me and… I was very relaxed and felt I went into a very deep process. The session was very helpful, I was able to be fully myself and be open and honest with Laura.”

— N.N. Bath


“Wow! What an impact that had. I went in not knowing where the work would take me and I left feeling two stone lighter, relieved of very unpleasant baggage that I had willingly carried around. The session was amazing. Laura is fantastic at this. She expertly let me run a little and reined me in when needed. We ended up exactly where I need to be. Her skills in seeing where the issue sits are very strong. Her ability to see the and hear the nuance in my replies, the hesitations and the tendency I have to gloss-over the tricky stuff was truly impressive. A brilliant experience. Both sessions have been excellent.”

— M.S. London

Get in touch


I offer Healing The Shadow sessions via zoom or in person in Totnes, South Devon. If you are interested in finding out more about what to expect in a shadow work session, please go to Sessions.

Or get in touch via email to book a free 40-45 minute phone call/zoom conversation.

Click here to contact me